Family Connect Weekend

August 22-23, 2025
Gruver, TX 79040

Connect Heart To Heart With Your Teen
through informative sessions and engaging activities. You and your teen will gain wisdom and useful tools presented by expert speakers.

Registration Deadline: August 23, 2024 at noon


Teen Sessions

Future Success Depends on Current Realities

Jeff Neal

Teens and Tech

Kyle Wassom

Anxiety Depression Suicide Pandemic

Mark Roberts

Parent Sessions

A Moms Perspective Changes Everything

Suzanne Manning (Crazy Cool Family)

The Power Of A Parent

Lori Kuykendall

Equipping Dad To Be The Leader In The Home

Don Manning (Crazy Cool Family)

Combined Sessions

Pursuing God As A Family

Don and Suzanne Manning (Crazy Cool Family)

The New Sexual Revolution

Lori Kuykendall

Sex Change Regret

Walt Heyer

Connection Experience : Connecting Heart To Heart

Richard Ross


Check back later!


August 23-24, 2024


August 23, 2024

$25 per person
Teens must be 8th-12th grade

Register by August 23rd at noon. Please note, any registration after August 15, meals and t-shirts will not be provided; however, there are restaurants within walking distance of the Gymnasium.

Registration fee is non refundable but can be transferrable

Registration includes packet materials for teens & their accompanying adult(s).

If registered prior to August 15th, meals will be provided for Friday evening, Saturday breakfast, lunch & final concluding meal on Saturday evening.

Due to limited space, meals for community members with no teens in attendance will not be provided. Thanks for your understanding. 

*Due to the nature of the topics and in-depth discussions parents are advised to visit the websites of the speakers and ask questions to be confident your 12 year old is able to grasp and process the material.


Gruver High School Gymnasium
601 Garrett Ave
Gruver, TX 79040


Friday, August 23

5:30 – 6:15 PM – Dinner Provided
7:00 PM – Family Fun Night

Saturday, August 24

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM P3:D2D Presents Cruising thru the Culture Storm

  • Overcoming the past and creating your future
  • Harmful effects of pornography
  • Empowering students with the knowledge that every human being has purpose and meaning, and that their own character is the foundation by which change begins
  • Preventing, disrupting and ending human trafficking through education and advocacy
  • Obstacles+Opportunities/ Message of hope and inspiration for a ridiculously good life
  • Connect Heart To Heart



Teens admit to sexting
Teen girls feel pressure to take & send explicity photos
Teen girls send nude or seminude photos of themselves
Teen boys send nude or seminude photos of themselves



The vision of P3 began from my passion to help parents and their teens connect heart to heart. I am a wife, mom, grandmother and active community volunteer. I was a classroom presenter with Living Choices of North Texas – a division of Woman To Woman Pregnancy Resource Center in Denton TX for 12 years.  Tim and I volunteered as student ministries leaders for over 20 years. Having the opportunity to be involved in the lives of teenagers for over 20 years and raising 2 daughters 11 years apart, I have witnessed a cultural shock. I believe this is due greatly to the rapid changing technology sensation and the unlimited access available . Today, on average, children have a smart phone at age 10 – an internet metropolis of 24/7 access to anything and everything. Children (infants to teens) are the target of negative influence via technology now more than ever in history. Most parents know far less technologically than their children. I have realized while presenting life changing information to teenagers, that if the same information is not being implemented at home and if the relationship between parent and child is disconnected, what I teach will not have long term positive effects on students. Once the heart to heart pipeline is disconnected between parent and child/teen, the pipeline is quickly filled with negative influence of this culture. A strong relationship between parent and teen is essential to the overall well-being of that child. The heart of P3 is designed to strengthen parent / teen relationships and restore those that are broken. 

-Tesh Beaty


National Human Trafficking Resource Center - Polaris Project

Missing and Exploited Children CyberTipline
or Report Online

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services - Report Child Abuse
or Report Online


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an outreach of Peace of the Rock Ministries